Saturday, May 30, 2009

Pergi Dan Kembali

Salam semua..=)

Hooray!!!!School Holiday..=).Mesti laa terasa gk hepi,well,as a "replacement teacher" @ SMK Tun Telanai(uPps,nanti Ateh citer),Ateh rehat dlu 2Mgu,pastu,bleh la "start" teaching back to "them"..Haa,,,Ateh nk citer sgt2 ni.."Pergi & Kembali"..Ape tu?..Jom bace same2..=)

Gambar di ats ni,rumahku di Bukit Besi..Di rumah nilah,selama 23thn Ateh membesar.Keluarga Ateh dh menginap di Bukit Besi selama 27thn.Lame tuh..Kan?Duk kt Bukit Besi pon sbb Ayahnda Hj Din bekerja di Kumpulan Pengurusan Kayu Kayan(KPKKT).Bonda lak Hjh Jah buat perniagaan runcit.Alhamdulillah,bleh la menyara kami sekuarga,yg kini,masing2 dh sukses..Sukses?Hurm,Kak Long dh jd nurse kt Kuala Trg.Kak Ngah lak doktor kt Kota Bharu.Kak Chik,nurse kt Kuala Trg gk.Kak Teh?Dia ni blaja lg kt UDM.Abg Fizi kt UTM.Adik Anif kt Matrikulasi Gambang..Alhamdulillah la nih..Sumer dh bleh bwk diri..=).. lak umah keluargaku di Bukit Payong..Lot 1626,Kg.Sena Rendang..Banyak nye umah??The story begins..=)..Hihii..Dengan rasminya,30hb Mei 2009,keluarga Ateh dh berpindah ke umah ni..Umh ni dh lame dibina,dh 3thn la.Cumanya,bru skrg menetap "bettol+bennar"..Ayah Ateh dh nk pencen this becoming december 2009,sO,he decided to stay at his village..Umh yg kt Bukit Besi tu,"Jual"..Why?Sbb bonda kate,,"Mok tgk,xdok sorang pong anok2 hok nok duk Kit Besi,jual je la umh nih.Wi sewa ke org,sayang gok.."begitu lh dialog bonda..Jd,Alhamdulillah,dh ade pembelinya..


Ateh sgt2 merindui Bukit Besi!!!!Sungguh!!!x tipu..='(..Ye la,dh 23thn membesar di ctu..Kawan2 yg best2,,"mc'ngOh,zeDa,ziHan,yOng,,rmi lg laa..",,yg sYok gk,,"bercinta & putus cinta" lg kt ctU..Huhuuu..Sape tuhhh??Ntah laa..Tasik+Playground+Skolah+Org2 kampOng.."Kak Zura,M'cik Lina,Cik NgOh,,,"+member2 masjid.."Cik De Yah"..byk lagi laa,,,Ateh sayang sumernye..

Bile la dpt peg lg Bukit Besi??Hurm,tgu kawan2 kawen lak laa..Itu pon kLo diorg jemputt..Hihiii..xkan x jemputt kotzz...Agak2 r kan..Hahahaha..=o..

Cukup lah setakatt ni dlu citer pasal nih..x mampu dh nk citer byk2..Sedih...Huk hukk..='(

Friday, May 22, 2009

A Friend Weeping for his Friend-Real Friendship in Islam

"For various moral, psychological and social reasons, people need good company and close friendship. The type of friends you have, often indicate the type of person you are. 'Show me your friends and I will tell you what you are,'says the well known proverb. The nobel Prophet (pbuh) pointed to the value of good company when he said that it is better to be alone than in the company of the wicked, and it is better to be company of the good than to be alone. Good company can be a great source of help and support in leading a virtous life, while bad company can lead to sin and ruin..The Prophet (s.a.w) was asked: "What is the person that can be the best friend?""He who does not help you when you remember God and does not remind you of God when you forget,"he replied. Then he was again asked,"Who is the best among people?""He replied, "He who when you look at him, you remember God."
...When Zaid ibn Harithah (r),the servant of Muhammad (s.a.w), was killed at the battle of Mu'tah, the Prophet (s.a.w) said:"Zayd strove in the path of God sincerely as he should. Today he has met his Lord,and he is serene."Thereafter, Zayd's daughter found the Prophet(s.a.w) weeping over the dead body of her father and said:"What do I see?"The nobel Prophet (peace be upon him), with tears in his eyes, said:"A friend weeping for his friend." Through such actions and sentiments, the Prophet (s.a.w) showed his gentleness and true human friendship and brotherhood."...

..To all my beloved friends..Tabika Kemas Bukit Besi, SK Bukit Besi, SMK Jerangau, SM Teknik Trgnu, Kolej Matrikulasi Perlis, TESLians UDM, last but nOt least, B.A English UDM..

..Thanks for being my friends..I really appreciate our friendship..Thanks God coz give me a chance to be a friend to them..=)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Story of QUe Sera Sera

Salam Muhibbah buat pembaca..=)

Untuk yg pertama kalinya, Ateh nk rasmi blog ni dgn "The Story of Que Sera Sera". Jujurnya, Ateh sgt berminat dgn cerita disebalik lagu ni. Bagi Ateh lagu ni sangat bermakna. Semua org mempunyai impian dan harapan dlm hidup, dibasahi dgn pengorbanan dan ditanami dgn tawakal dan doa kepada Yang Maha Esa. Manusia hanya merancang, Allah lah yg menentukan segalanya. Cuma dlm hidup ni, kena berusaha dgn b'sungguh2, byk2 doa dan tawakal, yg penting jgn putus asa..=)..Jom hayati lagu ni sama2..

When I was just a little girl asked my mother,

what will I be

Will I be pretty, will I be rich

Here's what she said to me.

Que Sera, Sera,Whatever will be, will be

The future's not ours, to see

Que Sera, Sera What will be, will be.

When I was young,

I fell in love I asked my sweetheart what lies ahead

Will we have rainbows, day after day

Here's what my sweetheart said.

Que Sera, Sera,Whatever will be, will be

The future's not ours, to see

Que Sera, Sera What will be, will be.

Now I have children of my own

They ask their mother, what will I be

Will I be handsome, will I be rich

I tell them tenderly.

Que Sera, Sera,Whatever will be, will be

The future's not ours, to see

Que Sera, Sera What will be, will be.